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Post 3 - Peer review

A peer review is an instrument that all of us need to use when we are writing, either an informal or formal text, especially for this second type. During school and now as university student we have had to write a lot of papers, essays or report for different subjects, which could improve their quality and the validity if we implement peer review.  If you are interested, first of all, you need to ask someone to do it, because it's necessary to know the point of view of third parties about your work. Then this person will have to follow the different steps that are important to do a good evaluation. The entire process can be grouped in two big classifications; the first reading and the second reading, but it’s recommended add an extra step before starting the evaluation and is that the reviewer should have previous knowledge about the aim, the key data and the conclusion of the manuscript. Then to begin, in the first reading the reviewer must do a skim-read, when he or she shou

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